Sunday, October 9, 2011

Lockout Continues - check it

Friday, September 23, 2011

FFTA Lock Out-153rd day

Have to keep it limited or FFTA might also force me to change my name to Toby, but im doing what i can. Here's a draft of a paragraph that I wrote about my first day out steelheading for english.

I lagged behind my dad and our fishing guide, as we followed a trail thronged with protruding roots and stray rocks. My wading pants drooped on my wiry frame, making it a challenge to dodge the obstacles of the trail and not trip on my oversized pants and boots. In fear of making a bigger fool out of myself, I kept my gaze on my feet, limiting me from seeing the budding oak and maple trees that composed this Spring Ohio forest. The trees ahead of us began to thin, while the sight of the river and its loyal fisherman became more defined. The river tumbled over boulders, ran fast and shallow, merged with a creek, and then became slow and deep again to create the long run, which will always be etched in my mind. The crisp air from the tumbling of the water cleared my head, while my legs felt numb from trudging against the oncoming cool water. I had never seen a steelhead before, but as I stood elbow to elbow with my fellow fishermen, I could see these chrome sided fish stacked head to tail throughout the whole run. Hearing splashes behind me, I turned to the parallel creek to see even more steelhead chasing and fighting each other off the spawn bed. Unfortunately, this was my first day for steelhead ever, because not only did I have no idea what to do, I will be forever spoiled.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

FFTA Lock Out-145th day

If you were expecting some posts over the past couple months, cant blame tammy, blame the ffta. They are trying to mess my vibe up. Heres a little something something to satisfy your desires.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

check this vid out

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Elk Creek/Swinging vs. Nymphing

For my birthday, I only asked for a camera to make videos, and I was fortunate enough to get a HD flip video camera. So, during our first outting on Elk Creek, my dad and I recorded some shots of the trip. Late last night, I came up with the idea that I should do a voice-over, consisting of the material that I was going to post; consequently, I would get "2 birds with 1 stone", combining the video with my post. So here is my first video post, which focuses on the swinging and nymphing debate.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Lost Posts pt.1

Well, it's been a long long time, since i've made a post. I know most of my original followers have hopped off the Ty Hughes Bandwagon, but rest assure I'll always be fishing. This fall has been rough to say the least, 6 classes and 6 days a week of football has left me beyond tired. Then, right after midterm, I got a bad concussion, and I've been out for 3 months, missing all of basketball season and falling behind in school. Luckily, I've now caught up with all my work, and I feel almost back to normal. After studying all weekend for my exams, my friend, who runs (check it out, he posts a lot more than me too), encouraged me to make another post so I don't lose all my followers. So here is the first half of the lost posts.


Colorado is like California's younger brother. It has the fruits and the nuts, abundant cannabis shops, double rainbows (yes, i saw a double rainbow) but more interesting to me, the fishing is excellent. Back in Janurary of 2010, my dad made a steal on a condo in Telluride, deciding that it would be a great family trip, which it was. We went out a few times, fishing the San Miguel, the Uncompahgre and some rivers in the Rocky Mountain national park near Denver. The San Miguel, which is still recovering from mining effects, had a healthy population of wild fish. Before, I fished the miguel, I thought that there was no difference between wild and stocked fish, but after that first Miguel bow, my mind immeaditely changed. The fish weren't huge, but they fought against the heavy currents as if they were twice as big.

Here's some pics from the Miguel

The Uncompahgre was my favorite of all, mostly because there were some monster fish, browns and bows. It was a wide, shallow, clear river, so the fish were literally stuck to structure. I remember when I lost focus and drifted under a submerged branch, I thought I got snagged up to the branch. So i tried to break off my fly, and to my surprise, the angry bow shot up stream with my fly. I also won't remember this one monster rainbow. It was at least a 20 inch bow jumping out completely out of the water for the dry. Doing my best impersonation of mike pawalski, I missed the strike like a bum.

Here's some pics of the fish i didn't lose.

And I'm mugging, because i love brown trout, so don't come at me sideways.

The Rocky Mountain national park reminded me of Yellowstone. Like yellowstone, there were some rivers in the dense forests, and difficult spring creeks flowing through open plains. According to Orvis fishing reports, it was supposed to be red hot, but the only red hot thing was my face when i realized that the fishing was not red hot. I was expecting the fish to be going Ichiro Suzuki and hitting everything, but this was not the case. The one image in my mind that goes along with that 20 inch bow that i missed, is this one spring creek monster brown. He was right in the shadow of the undercut, big kype and just completely b.m.f. looking. I was throwing a sz. 16 slate colored parachute adams. I must have put 10 perfect casts over him, and he finally ate. I set the hook, he rolled, and the 7x broke. He would've made a hell of a picture.

No fish worthy pictures, just a beautiful landscape shot

All around, colorado was a good spot, for a family destination, and for some nice fishing. Lost Posts part 2 is coming soon, it'll be my opinions on swinging vs nymphing for steelhead.

shout out to m and m, you're the best